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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Previous Rottweiler females we owned

Ivano vom hause Edelstein X Tesla vom hause Edelstein

Juno is a large Rottweiler female with beautiful red markings. Juno has a wonderful temperament. She loves to play ball all day and have fun. She had her last litter in 2023 producing some beautiful puppies.

Jags Luna Goddess of the Moon

Achilles von hause of Valhalla X Ventura Berrimor Hause

Luna is a medium Rottweiler female with beautiful markings. She is one of our own produced Rottweiler females from import bloodlines. Luna has a wonderful temperament. She loves to sit between your legs and get loved on over and over. She will be bred this year to a import male. Keep checking back to see who we decide.  

Ventura Berrimor Hause (Roxy)

  Zanto Von Der Crossener Ranch X Vikki Berrimor Hause 

J. Mathews Fanthom vom Scosher X Penny Flash Rouse

Noddy Futog Line x Ines ar Pedim Line

Oxana vom Rauberweg

Adolf Bagieras X Viona vom Rauberweg

Nyx Gator von hause Jaras

Energy Bomb house of Mandic x Marina of Kinders Royal Rott

Ecstasy Von Tonis Bergen

Sumo Von Tonis Bergen x Poppi Vom Wilden Weston